There are estimated 3,000 tribes across the African Continent.
- Karo Tribe, Ethiopia. They live on the banks of the Omo River. Known for intricate face and body painting.
- Hamar Tribe in Ethiopia. Bull jumping is an ancient ritual in Southern Ethiopia. It is the culmination of a 3 day long rite of passage for a young boy to transition into manhood. A Hamar boy comes of age by leaping over a line of cattle. If he is successful he qualifies to marry, have children and own cattle.
- Mursi Tribe, in Southern Ethiopia lead a primitive life devoid of all comfort. There are approximately 3,000 Mursi living in isolated areas.
- Banna Tribe known for bee keeping in the lower Omo Valley in Ethiopia.
- The Himba with a 50,000 population in NW Namibia. Women have elaborate hairstyles, red tinged complexion from a paste of ochre and clay.
- Nomadic pastoralists of the Sahel Desert of Mali